Sexual Revolution of Consciousness

sexual alchemy offering

Sexual Alchemy

Receive the keys to master subtle energy...
Become an Alchemist of Thought, Sex and Emotion.

Master Subtle Energy

Ignite the power within to generate and transmute subtle energy, by learning the art of Sourcen and 3 point focus mastery. Sexual Alchemy begins with learning to transform the vibrations of internal and external negativity into the positive vibration it forgot how to be, so when you have sex you can infuse your motions with consciously created energy, this allows you and your lover to quickly reclaim emotional clarity so as to maintain a healthy perception as you feed the needs of intimacy.

When your body, mind and soul are vibrating positive energy it opens your ability to see the incredible possibilities woven throughout your reality. Thru the lens of positive energy you are able to see your life in perceptual clarity. Opportunities to grow, learn, give and know are easy to see and you open your arms to these opportunities with trust and ease. Yet how quickly circumstances of life can bring then take away your precious  joie de vivre. For when pain and struggle challenge you each day, the rational mind says peace, happiness and joy should go away. Despondency and depression within moments will alter your expression and the way people receive you and your projection.

When held for just a moment, subtle energy can change your perception of how you see yourself and your partner, as well as the vibration of the words that come out of your being.​

Learn to Transfer Sexually Consciously Created Positive Energy

Energies that sit within you long term become part of your personality and ultimately if unmoved become your very mentality in which through you view reality. You can live circumstantially based, waiting for external life to dictate your fate, limiting your possibilities and how you move through reality or you can learn to consciously create your perceptual state. All humans generate subtle energy either consciously or unconsciously and the base vibration you create transfers to the core of anyone with whom you sexually relate. The energy you exchange sexually is either transmuted or it becomes part of your perceptual state. Everyone has the power to either consciously or unconsciously create their own perception of reality. The way you perceive reality deeply affects you and your lover’s vibrational state of being.

For negative energies will darken relationships that are destined to be with doubt, fear and insecurity, eroding each partner’s intimate potentiality. To allow the mentality to grow that believes the grass is always greener wherever you have yet to sow and that the love else where is sweeter wherever you have yet to go, robs you of your power to consciously benefit from what you already know. A stuck mentality leaves you waiting around to be fulfilled by the intangible whispers of external reality. Waiting for the perfect life, the perfect job, the perfect husband or wife, or for more money and a bigger house to bring  joy to your life. To live this way is to be ruled by circumstances everyday, like a puppet on a string waiting to be pulled up, blaming others as you’re falling.

Still deep within you, there is a calling, a true power inside…you must stop stalling.

Master Sexual Alchemy

This power sits within your ability to generate subtle energy consciously beyond your circumstances and any unmet needs so as to master your perception of reality. Sexual Alchemy gives you the power to nurture the sacredness of the relationships you are given,  to consciously generate joy, inspiration, pleasure, integrity, ingenuity, passion, freedom and serenity as well as any other positive energy you or your family may need. Being able to consciously create energy beyond the circumstances of reality is one of the great gifts of Sourcen. You learn to harness consciously created positivity as a medicine to transform your life and your sexual reality.  When you consciously claim your perception of reality it can not be stolen by false programing, external grids or other people’s dark mentalities. Freeing you to live in the truth of your destiny while learning to align your actions with your integrity. Creating love beyond circumstance is to learn to love unconditionally, this gold is the truest wealth of all humanity. In intimate sexual relationships unconditional love is of the greatest significance. Sexual saints find inside a light that never dies. Gently open your eyes to the potential you have within your divine mind to unwind the desires of everything you think you are looking to find, and allow passion undefined to come alive. Touch self mastery and experience the pleasure potentiality of your own Sexual Alchemy.

The Teachings of Sexual Alchemy

  • Revitalize your sex life as you ignite your abilities to consciously transmute subtle energy and transfer consciousness sexually
  • Sustain and maintain a clear consciously created perceptual state while tapping into the true power of your mind to manifest the life of your dreams
  • Overcome the harmful affects of of fear, doubt, insecurity, jealousy, anger, hate, learn to transform the inevitable accumulation and the profound effects of repressed negative emotions
  • Designed to empower you and give you the key tools and understandings to become an alchemist of thought sex and emotion
  • Through Wisdom transference teachings, innovative sexual understandings, and powerful spiritual practices you learn to reignite your commitment to joy and sustain your sexual inspiration and love for life
  • Below is more information about this incredible Sexual Enlightenment Path
  • Thru the practice of Sourcen you gain the experience of how to use 1, 2 then all 3 points of focus to ignite deep states of meditation and inner cellular sexual transformation
  • Learn to ignite Sensual Synergy and create the holy space for conscious multi-sense sex to take place
  • You will be given the infinite gift of Sexual Sourcen, igniting new meaning into sexual intimacy, taking your sexual relationships to the next level of experience
  • Learn the sacred wisdom of multi-sense pleasure infusion
  • You learn to open your mind to see the highest potential within your being and begin to experience your life’s great possibilities as you break free from conceptual reality and dogmatic conditioning
  • You will learn the advanced vibrational reality discernment technique of Full Opening to know when it is time to enjoy or transform what you are receiving
  • Learn the art of Sexual Sourcen self pleasure rituals
  • Learn how subtle energy rules the movements of all life, is most profoundly exchanged sexually and how sex deeply affects your perception of reality
  • Learn how Conscious Containment of self allows you to transcend the karmic ties of codependency and live emotionally beyond circumstances, blessed by perceptual freedom
  • Ignite your ability to create vibrational medicine from the memory of your infinite being, and learn how to use this energy for a myriad of applications while healing the needs of your reality and mastering your sexuality
  • Learn to love the negative selves, fall in love with all parts of you
  • Learn how you can free modern martyrs from being marginalized and institutionalized by opening the flower of potential that sits within your own mind and water that blossom into being able to see a earth respecting world that lives in equality where all people feel their life is honored and all hearts are free from the confines of hierarchy to evolve consciously
  • You will learn how to turn the lead of semi-conscious judgment based sex into the gold of unconditional love igniting your infinite sexual potential and sustained commitment as you learn the pleasure progression of Lead to Gold Orgasmic Alchemy which is the magnifying capacity within committed pleasure reciprocity
  • With Mantra Resonance and Word Alchemy you learn about the vibrational jewels and sacred subtleties stored within ancient words that were co-created by the truth of sound and the facility of people who could see and communicate with the movement of infinite energy, learn to access these hidden gifts that offer salvation to the humble seekers and sanctuary to the meek of humanity
  • You learn the discernment of spectral energies within substance, with the power of Substance Sourcen
  • Learn the gift of Gratitude Encompassment- Be grateful for all that you have and the weight of your possessions is relieved for you will be giving as much as you receive
  • Heal past lover mis-patterning through the art of focused mono pleasuring
  • Receive an important key of self mastery as you come to understand the teachings of Spiritual Responsibility and begin the practice of inner energy transmuting as an integral step in learning to serve…..yourself, your lover others and chosen points of creation with grace and humility
  • Learn to transform the polarization and anxiety of fearing negativity into knowing induced serenity thru the practice of Awareness Victory
  • Receive  the Beauty is the Beholder protection practice, learn to see the true beauty in everyone especially your lover, who you touch sexually only when you can see your lover’s beauty so clearly that all judgement is gone and love is all you see, this practice heals many things as you resolve the circle of sexual comparing and criticizing
  • Learn the multi-sense dance of Expressive Encompassment, one of the many gifts of receptive wisdom, this conscious practice strengthens your creative capacity as you learn to see internal and external presented negativity as a truly inspiring opportunity to stretch and strengthen your sexual transformative abilities
  • Learn the sexual art of oil anointing the forgotten parts pre-sex ritual
  • Learn to ignite Sensual Synergy and create the holy space for conscious multi-sense sex to take place With the wisdom of multi-sense pleasure infusion
  • You will learn the advanced vibrational reality discernment technique of Full Opening to know when it is time to enjoy or transform what you are receiving
  • Learn the art of Sexual Sourcen self pleasure rituals
  • Ignite your ability to create vibrational medicine from the memory of your infinite being, and learn how to use this energy for a myriad of applications while healing the needs of your reality and mastering your sexuality
  • Learn to experience your sexuality in the present moment beyond the conceptualization of your mind and absolve the sensory shut down that is caused by remembered negatively with Multi-Point Sexual Transmuting
  • Learn to enlighten your spine one orgasm at a time
  • You will learn the path of the holy man and holy woman with The Holy Holes Living Meditation
  • Learn the multi-dimensional spiritual practice of Holy Sex
  • You will learn to move beyond the confines and stagnate limitations of conceptual reality gently opening fused concepts and mastering forgiveness so as to receive and realize higher truths though the use of Expanding Circles Meditation.
  • Be in service to those you have more than, and feel your your golden crown expand
  • Learn the art of Edible Alchemy
  • Get to know the intuition of your spirit body through the Contained Alchemized Self Pleasuring Ritual
  • You will learn the energetic structure that allowed all true saints to rise so high they could be seen by even the 3rd eye blind, yet upon no one’s back did they climb
  • Learn vibrational sex alchemy for self pleasure and relationship renewal
  • Learn from the evolution of saints and their sexuality, open to see non-judgmentally the differences between celibate enlightenment and sexual enlightenment journeys so as to absolve the limitations of dogmatic beliefs and clarify the choices within human potentiality
  • The art of holy oral sex will be explained, practice this to enlighten your mind as you drink from the divine
  • Many have died for the highest truth they could see yet what is truly needed is people willing to live the highest truth they see, remembering the way of Personal Mastery
  • Learn the art of pre-sex massage and after sex grace
  • Learn to discern the 5 key energies you and your partner need to maintain sexual intimacy
  • Learn to see your reality clearly thru understanding the Eye of Perceptual Balancing
  • Learn to free the immortalized minds of the Saints and Seers that have died, by igniting your own right to become Self Realized. Holy beings never wanted to be idolized by hierarchal lies.
  • Learn to experience the present moment with the Being Seeing Experiencing Meditation.
  • You learn to live in true equality liberating your perceptual reality, reinstating the grace of your holy embodiment, rising to your highest high without adding to the lies human hierarchy hides
  • Overcome age illusion and the hierarchy of vanity through Inner Beauty Wisdom and the Wrinkle Revolution
  • Naturally purify your relationships with yourself and others with inner and outer Relationship Alchemy
  • Understand Gender Transcendence as a spiritual path of the future.
  • Learn to consciously dance with your death medicine thru Substance Alchemy and Rhythm Wisdom
  • Realize the many enlightenment opportunities you have within your everyday reality, learn to harness the spiritual power that sits within your job/ career/vocation and you will be paid in many new ways
  • Transmute your struggle into your wisdom, understand how perceptually transforming your view of reality allows you to see and embody possibilities that seemed impossible when seen through darkened sight
  • Become a balancer of sexual energy through Touch Alchemy
  • Gain the abilities to give yourself the vibrations you need, thru transformation of the energy within your being create the energy needed to satisfy you and your lover’s sexual calling, consciously infuse sacred items, transform moods in rooms, heal your family grids and so much more, come discover the power of what your consciousness can do
  • Learn to use self pleasuring to transmute the dark residue of past lovers
  • Learn to experience your sexuality in the present moment beyond the conceptualization of your mind and absolve the sensory shut down that is caused by remembered negatively with Multi-Point Sexual Transmuting
  • You will learn the path of the holy man and holy woman with The Holy Holes Living Meditation
  • You will learn to move beyond the confines and stagnate limitations of conceptual reality gently opening fused concepts and mastering forgiveness so as to receive and realize higher truths though the use of Expanding Circles Meditation.
  • Learn the art of Edible Alchemy
  • Get to know the intuition of your spirit body through the Contained Alchemized Self Pleasuring Ritual

The Male and Female Within

The Wild Lover, Sexual Alchemy, and the Golden House teachings are constantly evolving with the students that receive them, this dynamic exchange is uniquely customized to relate to the individual and their gender associations “he, she, they” as well to the inner male and female that is within all humans, so all teachings geared towards masculine empowerment can be applied to yourself as a man or to the men in your life and/or to the masculine within and all teachings geared towards female empowerment can be applied to yourself as a woman or to the women in your life and/or to the feminine within.


Male Empowerment

Tap into the true gifts of the masculine and begin to understand the incredible power of projection to plant conscious seeds and transform your perception and heal relationship confusion and spiritual stagnation, learn how to harness your enlightened sexual abilities to reach your true peace, dynamic power and highest potential.

female empowerment

Female Empowerment

Learn to sustain a clear perception while cultivating a sexually empowered reality, transforming your relationship with yourself, your lover and life while igniting your incredible feminine powers of transmutation reclaiming your empathic abilities to consciously magnify or transmute that which you receive so you can embody the incredible potential inherent in your being.

singles are welcome

Available to All

Whether you are in a partnership or not, expanding your understanding of sexuality ignites your innate abilities to set yourself free, transmute emotional states of being and truly experience the full expression of your potential within this reality.

Pricing Table

Sexual Enlightenment Coaching

Each Sexual Enlightenment Coaching package offers you the opportunity to be supported along your journey, receiving dynamic personalized guidance that empowers you to realize your potential, actualize the jewels within you and activate the gifts of the Sexual Enlightenment Path you choose.

touch of love coaching 3 mo.

Touch of Love


Infinite Embrace 9 Months of Enlightenment Coaching

Emerging Brilliance


6 Month Enlightenment Coaching

Infinite Embrace
