Sexual Revolution of Consciousness

universe offerings

Take part in the sexual evolution of consciousness

Experience for yourself your true potentiality as you master the expression of enlightened sexuality.

Expand Your Understanding

Learn to enlighten your sexuality and reclaim your power to master your mentality in which through you perceive reality. Satisfy the endless wanting of searching for what you were always holding. This movement supports you as you learn to sustain your personal right to a natural process of self realization and sexual fulfillment. Enlightening sexual relationships is key in the conscious evolution of humanity.  Expanding your understanding of sexuality reveals many unseen jewels that can be harnessed to set you free from the joy repressing confines of illusion based hierarchal reality. Learning not to judge allows you to begin to know the power of unconditional love. Cultivating this living gold within the relationships your heart most dearly holds, enriches the soul and lifts the vibration of the collective whole.

golden house offering

The Golden House

The Golden House is the conscious process of enlightening yourself and your relationship thru the awareness of how to give and receive light from all aspects of your being while practicing the art form of subtle energy transmuting. As a Golden lover you learn to ignite the gold within and infuse the foundation of your body, the walls of your mind and the ceiling of you soul. Open the gifts of your destiny and become whole. Two whole lovers can build conscious structures infused with spectral energies while on the journey of learning how to love unconditionally. Committed lovers who learn to love unconditionally achieve self mastery and bring their love’s destiny into reality. The enlightened marriage has the sacred power to provide what you need and protect what is providing everything. While persevering the self realization and soul goals of the children your house holds. The Golden House is an earth based, non-hierarchical, self realization, spiritual enlightenment grid, which is a sexually maintained, love sustained, consciously created structure, that is so strong that nothing from the outside world has the power to take it down.

Wild Lover

Know your wild heart and the wild lover within you will find. Wild lovers climb down from the mountain of judgment and hierarchy, down to the earth where reality can be seen clearly. From this position the wild lover sees all human beings that ever have been or ever will be thru the light of true equality, as consciousness evolving. Liberate your wild sexuality and allow your sexual expression to be free from the confines of conceptuality as you move into the experience of nature based sexual artistry. Love is a medicine wild lovers make. Wild lovers give and receive nature’s gifts of sexual ecstasy, creating pleasure reciprocity so powerfully that their love ripples thru the heart of infinity. The wisdom of life is given to those that choose not to judge but learn to shine their light on all, like the sun does. The wild lover sees each plant, each leaf, each tiny seed, each creature of air, earth and sea as intrical parts of life to be respected equally. The wild lover transcends all forms of domestication thru the cosmic powers of wild love making. The wild lover evolves human consciousness thru the natural expression of their wild sexuality and the truth it does harness.
sexual alchemy offering

Sexual Alchemy

Sexual Alchemy gives you the keys to master subtle energy, learning to balance yourself, your lover, your home, and your family. You learn to find inside the light that never dies, and the capacity to break free from the confines of a circumstance based mentality. Receive the power to master your perception and expression of sexuality. Learn to rise to your highest high, gently open your eyes to the potential you have within your divine mind to unwind the desires of everything you think you are looking to find, allowing sacred passion undefined to come alive and transform your life. Learn to blend sexual energies consciously and experience the gift of expressing sexually your highest truth. Alchemizing your sexuality reveals the true potential within your being and frees you to transcend hierarchical limitations. Learn to see your sexuality as holy. Touch self mastery and experience the pleasure potentiality of your own Sexual Alchemy.
earth ceremonies offering

Earth Ceremonies

The stars are the highest cathedral, the trees and the stones the original holy books, the air we breath are the robes I wear. The God I see is the mysterious source of infinity. The earth teaches what giving truly means and how to receive that which is given, instead of taking then needing to be forgiven. The sun each day enlightens so unconditionally it is in this light it is clearly seen how to give light continually with the greatest humility. Within the sweet darkness of the night beneath the traces of the moonlight, no eyes are needed to see for in the night only awareness can protect you while still allowing you to be free. The light of day and the dark of night are equally revered by me, for there is true wisdom within everything. As a minister of the earth I offer beautifully woven nature based Sacred Youth coming of age ceremonies, Marriages, Commitment ceremonies, and relationship blessings to honor and strengthen the sacred bliss within your special relationships, with yourself, between lovers, parents and children, deeply connected friends, as well as any group of people of 2 or more with common goals that you would like supported by the incredible powers of nature based commitment ceremonies.
enlightenment coaching offering

Sexual Enlightenment Coaching

Sexual Enlightenment Coaching helps you access the innate powers that sit within your being. As a Sexual Enlightenment coach I offer you the tools, understanding and wisdom you need to support you on your personal journey of sexual enlightening. Whether you are in a partnership or not expanding your understanding of your sexuality generates the internal light needed for you to see and begin experiencing the inherent gifts within your sexual capacity. Sexual Enlightenment Coaching gives you the keys to ignite your sexual light and activate your abilities to bring into being the co-realization of sexually fulfilling, emotionally satisfying, passionate relationships. Enlightening your sexuality facilitates passionate sexual relationship reciprocity. Learn to hold love so true that love truly holds you as you transmute what blocks your ability to clearly see the potentials within yourself and the joy within reality. With sexually sustained perceptual clarity you are able to maintain an enlightened point of view of you and your lover’s deepest truths. Thru the practice of enlightened sexuality you learn to consciously create sexual vibrancy as you bring into being the life of your dreams. Begin your Sexual Enlightenment journey now and engage your powerful capacity to transform inner and outer relationships thru the pleasurable actualization of your own sexual evolution.

What You’ll Receive

  1. Gain the tools to sustain passionate sexual relationships, spiritually fulfill loving marriages, and energetically protect your children from vibrational disempowerment.
  2. Learn to transmute negativity so you can clearly see how to be your true self and be clearly seen. With this clarity you learn to see you and your partner’s true potential clearly thru the process of becoming realized beings.
  3. Learn to see how sex affects your perception of reality and receive the keys to open up the gifts of your innate sexual potentiality.
  4. Activate your abilities to love unconditionally and receive infinite gifts as you overcome judgement and free yourself from the confines of hierarchy.
  5. Learn to pleasure infuse conscious energies to increase and expand your sexual and orgasmic capacity, healing the whole of your being.

Teaching Environment

The Wild Lover, Sexual Alchemy and Golden House teachings are constantly evolving with the students that receive them, this dynamic exchange is uniquely customized to relate to the individuals in the room as well as the energy dynamic of the class as a whole.  To facilitate a cohesive learning environment weekend intensives will be specified as either a Female Empowerment or Male Empowerment opportunities. Even though the classes are transferred to men and women separately, both are taught to access the ability to receive the profound gifts given thru the process of understanding male and female energies. For to empower both within teaches you to to relate more consciously to yourself, your lover, and all creation. Join the Sexual Revolution and take part in the  conscious evolution of revitalizing and enlightening your sexual constitution.


Male Empowerment Intensives

Teaches men to understand the incredible powers they possess within their innate being and how to consciously relate to themselves and others. Learn how to dynamically co-create your reality and reach your highest potential while harnessing your true powers.

female empowerment

Female Empowerment Intensives

Teaches women to cultivate a sexualy empowered reality, and embody their innate transformative abilities. Gain the tools to realize your power as you open up to the magic of your internal gifts. Learn how to transform relationships with yourself, others and the earth.

singles are welcome

Available to All

Whether you are in a partnership or not, expanding your understanding of sexuality ignites your innate abilities to set yourself free, transmute emotional states of being and truly experience the full expression of your potential within this reality.

A Sacred Safe Space Guarantee

This Sexual Revolution facilitates a sacred, non-hierarchical, non-judgmental safe space that honors all who are ready to learn, grow and evolve. These sexual enlightenment teachings receive each individual in the light of true equality that is rooted in a deep love and respect for all humanity that honors the wisdom that sits within the beautiful spectrum of all sexual orientations, chosen relationship styles and gender associations. Just as the sun shines… Love and Light to all.

Pricing Table

Sexual Enlightenment Coaching

Each Sexual Enlightenment Coaching package offers you the opportunity to be supported along your journey, receiving dynamic personalized guidance that empowers you to realize your potential, actualize the jewels within you and activate the gifts of the Sexual Enlightenment Path you choose.

touch of love coaching 3 mo.

Touch of Love

$ 1,100
  • Initial consultation
  • 4- two hour 1-1
  • Golden Circle sessions with Kaya
  • (via zoom)
  • Bonus: You also will receive
  • the 28 day Empathic Empowerment Course…
  • Become an Alchemist of Thought,
  • Sex and Emotion (valued at $360 for FREE!)
Infinite Embrace 9 Months of Enlightenment Coaching

Emerging Brilliance

$ 2,100
  • Initial consultation
  • 8- two hour 1-1
  • Golden Circle sessions with Kaya
  • (via zoom)
  • Bonus: You also will receive
  • the 28 day Empathic Empowerment Course…
  • Become an Alchemist of Thought,
  • Sex and Emotion (valued at $360 for FREE!)
6 Month Enlightenment Coaching

Infinite Embrace

$ 3,000
  • Initial consultation
  • 12- two hour 1-1
  • Golden Circle sessions with Kaya
  • (via zoom)
  • Bonus: You also will receive
  • the 28 day Empathic Empowerment Course…
  • Become an Alchemist of Thought,
  • Sex and Emotion (valued at $360 for FREE!)